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How to List Relevant Coursework on a Resume [10+ Examples]
We have lots of great conversations, we'd love you to join us, click here. I took some courses after my BA as an independent student. How should I describe this on my resume? January 12, AM Subscribe I took some courses after my BA as an independent student.
I am currently enrolled in a Faculty of Education and I will be applying to school boards in Ontario soon. When I started my BA, I knew I wanted to be a high school teacher and I majored in a subject that is now my main teachable subject area. I also took the appropriate number of courses to suffice as a second teachable subject, and graduated.
After graduation, I changed my mind about my second teachable and took another 5 courses at a different university, in order to be able to register in teacher's college with my preferred second teachable subject. My question is how do I frame this extra stint in school on my resume for a teaching position?
Do I just call it "independent study"? And how do I approach the degree that I am currently working towards? Do I say "expected graduation in ? Ed, expected graduation in ??? Thanks so much! BA with Honors, First U Additional coursework prerequisites for teaching programSecond U. Ed expectedThird U posted by Madamina at AM on January 12, Response by poster: Additional coursework on resume describing for your comment, I just realized that I should add that additional coursework on resume describing "Honours BA" is not to indicate that I recieved honours, or was on the Dean's list, or anything.
Here it is a type of BA that lasts four instead of three years, and is a requirement to go on to additional coursework on resume describing post graduate work.
posted by to recite so charmingly at AM on January 12, I would call your second stint "'post-baccalaureate,' coursework in education.
posted by brainmouse at AM on January 12, Wouldn't "continuing education" be the usual term in education circles, or is that a US thing?
posted by tyllwin at PM on January 12, At my Canadian school, additional coursework on resume describing, continuing education referred to non-credit courses for personal enrichment and professional development, so I wouldn't use that term either. posted by futureisunwritten at PM on January 12, I was what the University of Iowa officially terms a "special non-degree student" in both high school and after I got my BA--the first time around to take Latin, the second to take some courses toward getting a teaching certificate.
I listed it on my resume as University of Iowa Special Non-Degree Student Latin Education In some cases I listed specific courses, depending on the purpose of the resume. If your school doesn't have an official term, I like "Additional coursework," as Madamina suggests. posted by newrambler at PM on January 12, I wouldn't use continuing education or independent study - in ontario, 'continuing education' sounds like evening classes you did for self interest, and independent study sounds like 'non-traditional education'.
Like you decided to read some books on your own, or something. Also, from a format point of view, i'd recommend listing the name of your degree first, not the name of your school, additional coursework on resume describing.
The degree you got is the primary additional coursework on resume describing that matters to the person reading it, additional coursework on resume describing. And you don't need to say "graduated ", people will know that the year indicates a graduation. And keep in mind that when you apply for teaching positions, you are going to be sending your transcripts along with your application, additional coursework on resume describing, and ultimately that's where the people in charge of hiring are going to look to get an understanding of your schoolwork, rather than your resume.
Focus your resume additional coursework on resume describing on describing extracurricular, jobs, and achievements that exists outside of grades. I am not a teacher in ontario, but both of my siblings and several of my friends are!
I would do this: - Honours BA in Subject, First University, - Brief description of focus of study or any particular achievements - Teachable coursework, Second University, - Completed 5 Bachelor level courses in Teachable Subject - Brief description of focus of study or any particular achievements B. Ed, Third University, additional coursework on resume describing, posted by Kololo at PM on January 12, What are the teachable subjects called in Canada?
In the US, I would say 'coursework towards an endorsement in 2nd subject' because a 2nd subject is called an endorsement in my state. posted by eleanna at PM on January 12, I use "Additional Coursework" on my own resume to show clumps of courses that might have gone toward a major in other circumstances.
Specifically, I majored in voice performance, and I completed the coursework necessary for a major in music history, but I couldn't declare a double major in the same department. However, I still like to list that, just as I list "Extensive coursework in English" my major, pre-transfer under my listing for the liberal arts college at which I spent my first two years.
It was a critical mass of stuff that had a purpose, such that I want future employers to know I did good work. posted by Madamina at PM on January 12, What Kololo said: BA Honours in Goat Yodeling, First University, Date of completion. Unclassified studies in Ostrich Ballet, Second University, additional coursework on resume describing, Date of Completion. BEd, Third University, Date of Expected Completion.
If you want to underscore the purpose of the unclassified studies, list the courses you took: Unclassified Study Courses OB Introduction to Ostrich Ballet, OB History of Ostrich Ballet, OB Seminar in Ostrich Toe Shoes, OB Senior ThesisSecond University, Date of Completion.
This stresses that you've got the second subject well in hand and stops them thinking you were just farting additional coursework on resume describing because you didn't know what to do. Yes, they have your transcripts, but they may not wind up looking at them! posted by jrochest at AM on January 13, Newer ». This thread is closed to new comments. Tags teacher.
How to put Online Course on a Resume - Real life Example (Udemy, Skillshare, etc.)
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