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Home » marketing » New York Times Advertising Rates and Where to Place Ads. Tags: advertising ratesnew york times. Last summer I picked apart a Sunday edition of the New York Times print newspaper with an eye on learning where people like to place their ads. Which sections carried which types of ads? What does ad specificity predict should be the New York Times advertising rates?
Here you go:. You can see that some sections have obvious alignment with the ads people choose to place there. The travel section has ads for hotels and travel services.
Four of the sections surprised me for their lack of ad-content synergy. I guessed that the demand for ad space ought to correlate with the specificity of ads in that section. Anyone selling mattresses in the Real Estate section admission paper for sale add probably be out-bid by brokers and landlords pushing their better-aligned services. Was that true? The New York Times rate cards offer different charges for different types of content.
Presumably this offers a way to improve ad relevancy. Here were the rates for half page ads 63 contract column inchesin black and white, run-of-the-paper can be placed anywhereadmission paper for sale add, with New York regional distribution if applicable :.
The New York Times reports that their audience is about 5, admission paper for sale add, readers. I expected that more specific ads would cost more. That turned out to be true for the Business, Travel, and Arts sections. These ads were highly focused, and the advertisers there paid dearly to appear. Clearly those advertisers were interested in those sections.
But for the Book Review, Automotive, admission paper for sale add, and especially Real Estate sections, it cost less to list a specific ad than a generic one. No takers. Apparently New York real estate, for one, needs little advertising. I believe it. That admission paper for sale add explain the randomness of these sections. For the Metro section, you can see the price is much lower than anywhere else.
That explains the randomness here, for sure. Advertising rates are comparable to online advertising, admission paper for sale add, although the breadth of readership clearly requires more up-front commitment than a Google AdWords campaign.
For full rate cards, visit the New York Times media kit. Your email address will not be published. Notify me of follow-up comments by email. Notify me of new posts by email. Email Address. Rocket Scientist Landlord Doug Quattrochi's Blog. Home The Fairest Founder Collaboration Agreement About Doug Quattrochi Projects. Search Search. New York Times Advertising Rates and Where to Place Ads Tags: advertising ratesnew york times By dougjq in marketing on February 4.
Here you go: Section Name Ads Seen Focused? The Metropolitan section was home goods and music. The Sunday Review had admission paper for sale add corporate PR piece by Shell Gas along with some job opportunities. That tells you how much money there is in mattresses. New York Times Advertising Rates I guessed that the demand for ad space ought to correlate with the specificity of ads in that section.
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