Saturday, November 27, 2021

Blind side essay

Blind side essay

blind side essay

The blind side Essays. 1 essay sample found. Essay examples. Essay topics. The Blind Side Movie Review When life gives you lemons, well, you become a football star. I can relate to the film in many ways so I feel that I can connect to this movie on a personal level. The film The Blind Side touches base on the concept that despite your Nov 15,  · “The Blind-Side “essay When a family adopts a child, the gender or the race should not change your perspective about the child. How you love and communicate with and for the child is what brings him or her closer to you and your family. Bringing a child into your home and loving them like your own can change both yours and the Childs life John Lee Hancock’s film entitled “The Blind Side” describes the struggle of a Black man to become part of the White society. Michael Oher, the main character in the story shows the audience how a black man experiences mistreatment and discrimination from his white community which is the common trend of American mainstream

The Blind Side -

Bridge Essays. Fast Fashion Essays. Movie Review Essays. Ready Player One Essays. Boys and Girls Essays. He is homeless after running away from foster care and being taken from his drug-addicted mother at a very young age Smith et al. A football coach from an exclusive and mostly white private school notices his potential in the sport, after seeing his massive build and the way he moves Smith et al.

At first, the school board is reluctant to accept Michael into the school after seeing his low GPA and records; however, the football coached managed to convince them Smith blind side essay al. Write my paper. One night, a white woman named Leigh Anne Tuohy notices Michael walking in the rain in just a t-shirt while driving home with her family Smith et al. Leigh Anne Tuohy offers Michael a place to stay for the night Smith et al, blind side essay. The Tuohy family have a very privileged lifestyle from owning several fast food restaurants Smith et al.

Because of this, they give Michael a whole different life than what he is used to and open up many opportunities for him Smith et al. Leigh Anne Tuohy invests blind side essay time into Michael to make sure he can live up to his full potential Smith et al. She sticks up for him when people are being racist towards him and she calls him her son Smith et al. She helps him understand how blind side essay play football and he turns into an exceptional football player who is wanted by many universities Smith et al.

The blind side essay problem is that Michael did not receive a good education growing up, so his GPA may not make the cut Smith et al. Therefore, Leigh Anne Tuohy hired a tutor to work with him every night Smith et al.

Michael eventually graduates from the exclusive, blind side essay, private school and accepts a football scholarship to the University of Missouri Smith et al. Although The Blind Side may be regarded as an inspiring movie based on a true story, there are still historical inaccuracies in the film that should be acknowledged. According to the real Michael Oher, he states that the film failed to accurately portray all of the struggles he had growing up Howe, While it is evident that the film contained many details of the struggles he had growing up, he believes the film left out some significant details and events from his childhood Howe, Because blind side essay this, the audience is unaware of some of the key events that happened in his childhood.

Since the film was based on this young man, blind side essay, the audience should blind side essay received the whole story for a better understanding of the struggles he had growing up. In addition, he thinks that the movie exaggerated the impact Leigh Anne had on his football career Howe, He claims that the movie made it seem like she was the one who inspired him to be a better player and that she did all of the work Howe, However, in real life, this was not the case.

It was actually Michael who put in a lot of extra hours to make him the exceptional football player he is today Howe, Because of this inaccuracy, most of the credit is given to Leigh Anne and not Michael for his football career.

The audience believes that Leigh Anne is the one who gave Michael the passion he has for football, when it was really only Michael all along. The minority people in The Blind Side, mostly consisted of black people, while the majority people were white people Smith et al.

In the beginning of the film, the minority people are shown to live in impoverished areas and in broken homes Smith et al. Some of the minority people, like Michael, are even homeless Smith et al.

The majority people live on the other side of the town in what seems like an exclusive and expensive area Smith et al. The white people send their children to upscale, private schools that have a reputation for good education Smith et al. The teachers at the private school Michael attends refer to the schools he attended in his childhood as being poor-quality Smith et al. A lot of the minority people were also portrayed to have no job and multiple children Smith et al.

Throughout the film, I recognized blind side essay of racism, classism and sexism. However, racism was the social issue most prevalent in this film, blind side essay. An example of cultural racism in the film would be the fact that the Tuohy family and other white people only lived in a neighborhood with other white people and only associated with other white people Smith et al.

The city of Memphis was highly segregated, with whites on one side and the minorities on the other blind side essay Smith et al. This phenomenon would also be example of white flight, with only white families living in the suburbs and cities still being highly segregated even after segregation.

There were also several examples of individual racism in the film. For example, when Mike approached the little girls at the blind side essay, both of them ran away from him Smith et al. The little girls must have thought of Michael as the stereotypical black man that is portrayed in society Smith et al. A man in the crowd also made a comment about Michael participating in the football game Smith et al.

When Leigh Anne attended lunch with her friends, they always made racist comments too Smith et al. Their comments were also an example of backstage racism, where a comment is made in an all-white company and acknowledged as a joke.

It very much seemed like her friends were against what she was doing because it was a person of color. In addition, blind side essay, Leigh Anne asked her daughter if she was comfortable with Michael staying in their house Smith et al.

I believe this question would not have been asked if Michael were white. Another type of racism, institutional racism, was also prevalent in the film. Many of the minority people did not have jobs, most likely as a result of institutional racism. Smith et al. Even if they had a job, blind side essay, it was always a low-income job Smith blind side essay al. In addition, blind side essay, the area the minority people lived in lacked resources and were of poor-quality compared to the area the majority people lived in Smith et al.

The movie implied that the schools the minority children attended did not have access to as much funds as the schools the children of the majority school attended Smith et al. This impaired the education Michael received as a child, giving him even less of a chance to succeed in life. While racism was the most prevalent blind side essay issue, institutional classism was a noticeable issue in this movie as well, blind side essay.

In the United States, social mobility is becoming increasingly difficult. Once a person is born in a social class, chances are that they will be in that social class the rest of their life. Michael, on the other hand, blind side essay, did not grow up privileged and was homeless Smith et al.

While sexism was the least prevalent issue in this movie, it is still important to acknowledge. This is an example of cultural sexism, blind side essay. This example may seem miniscule, but it is important to mention because our culture continually reinforces the idea that male sports are much more important the female sports. All three of the social issues I just mentioned have some kind of impact on me. When it comes to cultural racism, I unfortunately still notice that most people only interact with people of their own race.

I think our country is much better nowadays when it comes to racism, but we still have a lot of work to do, especially when it comes to stereotypes and blind side essay. In addition, minorities are more likely to live in poverty and have low-income jobs. Growing up, blind side essay, my upper-class friends were given many more opportunities in life just like it was portrayed in the film.

When I really think about blind side essay, mostly everyone I know seems to have stayed in the social class they were born in. Being liberal, blind side essay, I have always had this belief that conservative people are less willing to help others and more likely to behave in a racist way. There were parts of the movie that confirmed this belief for me but also there were parts that challenged this belief of mine.

However, the Touhy family challenged this belief. It does not reflect the quality of papers completed by our expert essay writers. To get a custom and plagiarism-free essay click here. We are glad that you like it, but you cannot copy from our website. Just insert your email and this sample will be sent to you. We will occasionally send you account related emails. In fact, blind side essay, there is a way to get an original essay!

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The Blind Side - Words | Movie Review Example

blind side essay

Words: Download. The Blind Side is a movie based on the true story of Michael Oher, who was once the offensive lineman of the Baltimore Ravens’ (Smith, Bourne, Stoff, Netter, Kosove, Johnson, & Hancock, ). Michael Oher, a black teenager, grew up in an impoverished part of Memphis known as the “projects” (Smith et al., ) Nov 03,  · with WowEssays Premium! “The Blind Side” is an excellent movie that shows story of a black boy. The movie is directed by John L. Hancock, and was released in the year The movie is primarily based on the real life of Michael Oher and also portrays sports and drama significantly. The movie portrays a real life story in a realistic blogger.comted Reading Time: 7 mins The blind side Essays. 1 essay sample found. Essay examples. Essay topics. The Blind Side Movie Review When life gives you lemons, well, you become a football star. I can relate to the film in many ways so I feel that I can connect to this movie on a personal level. The film The Blind Side touches base on the concept that despite your

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