Custom Coursework Writing Service USA. Our assignment help company has got talented assignment writers on our blogger.com assignment experts have ample knowledge about assignment writing and can churn out an assignment that contains plagiarism-free content,has attractive formatting and contains references as blogger.comg: gcse GCSE business studies coursework. My aim is to produce a business report for Tiger River Bengal. I have to evaluate the marketing strategy of Tiger River Bengal making recommendations on whether the marketing mix should be changed in anyway. the sort of people that buy the product (age/gender/), and how much it is sold for. Please could you Estimated Reading Time: 18 mins Nov 18, · College Writing: Buy gcse coursework perfect papers on time!best writers! 22 fquestionnaire participants gcse buy coursework were unsure of the entity being modelled. A careful reading of decoding advertisements. Dong soo kim, how they fared in american culture. Similarity and difference, in s. Vosniadou & a
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My aim is to produce a business report for Tiger River Bengal. I have to evaluate the marketing strategy of Tiger River Bengal making recommendations on whether the marketing mix should be changed in anyway. I have chosen to use Tiger River Bengal in my coursework as I know the product well. I am going to use the internet to buy gcse coursework data such as how the product is marketed, buy gcse coursework.
I will also be distributing questionnaires to people via the company Hotspring spas ltd, buy gcse coursework, as they distribute the product. I am going to do this so I can find out their opinion of the product and how it is advertised, buy gcse coursework.
I will present the data from the questionnaires in various buy gcse coursework and charts as it will be easy to intemperate to see and understand. Tiger river Bengal questionnaireI am doing this questionnaire about Tiger River Bengal for my business buy gcse coursework coursework. I would appreciate it if you could take a few minutes to answer the questions.
Thank you for your time. Please tick the appropriate box. What gender are you? Male [ ] female [ ]2. Which age group do you fit into? Have you ever heard of Tiger River Bengal? Buy gcse coursework you or some one you know own the product? Do you like the product? Do you know where you could purchase the product from? Have you ever used the product? Do you think the product is sold at a reasonable price?
To high [ ] Cheap [ ] Reasonably priced [ ]9, buy gcse coursework. Do you think the product is suitably advertised? How did you first hear about the product? Do you think it represents good value for money?
Where did you purchase the product from? When the product was delivered do you think it was suitably packaged? Do you feel the product is easy to maintain on a day to day basis? Do you feel it is safe to use? Would you feel safe leaving a child using the product? Is there any thing that would improve the product? As the product I chose is not known by many people I asked the only UK distributor of the product if they could distribute the questionnaires to staff and customers on my behalf, buy gcse coursework.
Ideally I would have had an even split as the target audience for the spa is also evenly split. From this pie chart you can see that the people asked where of varied ages so my results should provide a range of responses. Nearly all of the people asked have heard of the product so they should be able to answer the buy gcse coursework accurately. This suggests that the brand is effectively promoted to the target audience. This is good as they will be able to answer most of the questions easily.
The percentage is high as the survey was conducted via the showroom. Secondary research suggests that only 0. This suggests an effective place and promotional strategy. I suspect that people lack the space in their home environment to accommodate a spa. This result is contradictory to previous results and may be linked to the fact that I surveyed too many people who were too young.
However it may suggest that tiger river Bengal spas may want to increase buy gcse coursework marketing expenditure. Answers by people that own the productThis graph would suggest that the product does not need to be advertised any more than it is as it is getting free advertising by word of mouth WOM.
Which is the most powerful method of promotion. This suggests that the pricing strategy does not require alteration. This shows that people brought the product from the only UK distributor. This show that overall people agree that the product is suitable packaged although one person disagrees this could be for a number of reasons, one person does not no this could be because they were not there when it was delivered.
This graph would suggest that the product is easy to look after and maintain as the majority of owners think this. This question is fairly balanced. Some people would not leave a child using the product as it contains water so there is a risk of drowning, buy gcse coursework. Research planIn this coursework I am going to use primary and secondary research. Primary research buy gcse coursework research that you do yourself, it is some times called field research.
Secondary research is research that someone else has already done, it is some times called desk research, buy gcse coursework. For my primary research I am going to do a questionnaire and I also intend on viewing and testing the product myself. From doing this I hope to find out what the customers think of the product and why they think it, buy gcse coursework, I also hope to find out if it is advertised properly and enough.
I am going to do a questionnaire which I will give to the Hotspring spas UK distributor to give to there staff and customers. In the questionnaire I will use multiple choice questions to get quantitative answers and a few questions that will get qualitative answers.
I will use a sample size of 25 people of different ages for my questionnaire, buy gcse coursework. I will put my results it to a table and then also in to graphs and charts so that they are easy to analyse.
I could have used personal interviews as part of my primary research and ask people that work for the company their views of the product and how it is marketed. I decided not to as they could give biased answers as they are likely to deal with the product daily and have to say positive things about it as it would affect the companies public image if its staff were to be negative about a product they sell.
For my secondary research I wrote a letter to the company asking for information about the product I also looked at their web site to find out a bit more about the product. Letter to companyHere is a copy of the letter I sent to Hotsprings spas.
Please could you send it to:Miss J. Bundy75 North AvenueChelmsfordEssexCM1 2ANYours thankfullyJ. It has a total of twenty-six different jets. It has an extra-large blue dimmable LED light.
It has a USP that for every one sold a portion of the proceeds is donated to the world wildlife fund to help prevent the tiger from becoming extinct, The product is also reasonably well established, buy gcse coursework, I know this from my primary research as it shows seventeen out of twenty five people have heard of the product.
advertisements for the product nor have there been in the past on UK T. As tiger river is distributed by the largest buy gcse coursework spa dealership in the UK, which has around 20 showrooms some of which are in large garden centres and 4 distribution centres. There are also plans for more showrooms, therefore more potential customers. THREATSThreats to the tiger river Bengal are other products produced by Tiger River e.
Caspian and Sumatran. Also other product distributed by Hotspring spas. Another buy gcse coursework to the tiger river Bengal is the competitors such as Sundance spa, arctic spas, mermaid spas and the various other spas companies in the UKalthough they do not appear to around for long and artic have recently had to close a few showrooms due to financial difficulties. competitor analysisCompetitor 1: Tiger River — CaspianStrengthsTiger River is already an established brand in the UK and their products can be viewed in showrooms across the county, although it is slightly bigger than the Bengal they are both very similar in price and design, buy gcse coursework.
WeaknessesThe down side about the product is that it is slightly smaller than the Bengal meaning if u had all six people in it you would have less space buy gcse coursework in the Bengal. Competitor 2: Therma spas — park avenue five person spaStrengthsThe product has been advertised on T.
buy gcse coursework they trying to establish themselves in the British market. They have also chosen to advertise on prime time T. which is expensive but worth it as they will get wide coverage.
You can buy a thermo cover which is a building around the spa, this makes the product last longer but you have to purchase it separately. Currently they are not a very well known or popular company in the British market.
Marketing mixProductThe product is Tiger River Bengal spa, buy gcse coursework. It is targeted at affluent people who like to relax, and also have high disposable income. It is manufactured by Watkins, buy gcse coursework, in Vista California and it is shipped over to the UK. The product is designed for use by no more than 5 people at a time. The product comes in four different colours, Dark blue ocean wave, Sand, and Marble with redwood or coastal grey corresponding cabinets.
Buy gcse coursework has 26 jets in total and its size is 2. Subsequently distribution of the spa is selective and this emphasises its exclusivity and justifies the premium pricing that has been adopted.
It is manufactured by Watkins spas ltd and is shipped over to the UK from Vista California, America. PriceThe product is quite expensive as it retails at � Its pricing strategy is price skimming as it is an exclusive product so the company can afford to have a high mark up. PromotionThe company relies on word of mouth as its main method of promotion, this is because it is a very exclusive product and only people that have high disposable would be able to purchaser the product.
The company, buy gcse coursework, Tiger River Spas, has a website so people that have access to the internet, buy gcse coursework, can research the product, at a convenient time as the internet is available 24 hours a day, also by having an online presence they have a wider target audience, but the down side is that the product cannot be purchased online. Recommendations for changing the marketing mixBelow are my recommendations for changing the marketing mix of the Tiger River Bengal.
ProductI recommend that the actual physical product is not changed as from my research the nine people that were survey that also owned the product all feel it is safe to use and only one person feels it does not represent value for buy gcse coursework. This could be for various reasons that are more than likely to be out of the control of the manufacturer, buy gcse coursework.
I recommend that potential customers are told how much percentage of the money they pay for the product goes to the world wildlife fund as this could be a big factor in whether they purchase the product or a competitors product.
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