Saturday, November 27, 2021

Danah boyd master thesis

Danah boyd master thesis

danah boyd master thesis

It's safer that way Danah Boyd Master Thesis and helps avoid any uncomfortable questions. You're the author and that's the way it goes. Turn it custom-written papers, Danah Boyd Master Thesis get above-average grades, and still have plenty Danah Boyd Master Thesis of Danah Boyd Master Thesis, Curriculum Vitae Template Bootstrap Free, Sample Resume For Psychiatrist, Do My Economics Essay Oct 04,  · Reactions to a podcast with Danah Boyd and my masters thesis idea comes to fruition. Posted on October 4, by nikkbah In the podcast, Danah Boyd is being interviewed by Krista Tippett, its lasts about 1 hour and 25 minutes, and it consists mostly of Danah reminiscing about her past

Faceted Id/entity:Managing representation in a digital world

In the podcast, Danah Boyd is being interviewed by Danah boyd master thesis Tippett, its lasts about 1 hour and 25 minutes, and it consists mostly of Danah reminiscing about her past. What I got out of it is more reactions to her comments and remarks about her own digital youth, and a few remarks towards her answers or lack of to the questions she is presented with. This will be a very lengthy post, so I will in no way be offended if you choose to just skim through it.

At least you have been warned. Danah starts with telling about her own meeting with digital technologies, danah boyd master thesis, and the internet especially. Her opinion was that at the time, it was uncool to be a nerd, and that the networked social life that we today see as completely normal, and by all means needed to be cool, is completely different to what it used to be.

This is not my experience though, when I grew up, being a part of a social network online was very cool indeed, because it ment you where a part of the select few that had access to a computer and the internet. Now I grew up in the same time as Danah, though she is a few years older than me, but when we started to use the internet was most likely only distanced by a few years.

I started using the internet when I was around 8 years old, that would be inso very early on, and my family got our first computer and internet connection when I was As I grew up, danah boyd master thesis, anyone who had internet was the coolest kid in school, and the social network surrounding those kids where much more vibrant than those without.

My first thought here were immediately STRANGER DANGER! This is most likely due to my sceptical nature, and my knowledge of how predators online work, danah boyd master thesis. Online predation, stranger danger and the online hunting grounds were at that time totally unheard of. And since Danah mentions that she never actually met the person, who knows, most likely its was a sincere exchange, but chances are also there that it was someone exploiting a naive teen.

This leads to the next section of the interview, danah boyd master thesis, where Danah and Krista talks and discuss how online life is becoming more and more an amplification of everyday life. It is as if anything that you partake in, in your life, danah boyd master thesis, that you also bring online will be amplified in some form or fashion.

What is dangerous here is when the negative sides of everyday life permeates online and becomes amplified. Your fears especially, and the lack of understanding. Fear spreads from platform to platform, and takes on different meanings as the platform evolves. The example Danah use in the interview is the parent who were contacted by child services because her child was playing outside alone without supervision, even though the parent could see her from the window.

This is though something that would never happen in Norway, as a child here, even today inyou are encouraged to go outside and play, alone or with friends. Were kids no longer can play outside without a parent being present. This fear of strangers, kidnappers and pedophiles apparently is so strong, danah boyd master thesis, that you risk losing custody of your child if you let them play outside alone.

So the critical issue here is: Why do we not have the same fear for children roaming the internet alone? Danah boyd master thesis can of course not sit behind them, watching their every move, what you can do, is teach them.

The internet is just like the park, danah boyd master thesis, potential predators lurks in corners, the difference is that in a park you can have physical supervision, online, not so much. This is where we use our experience and teach our children to be aware of who and how they talk to others online.

That anything they share, especially in the form of images and videos, can be used for other purposes then what they are intended for. This also goes into the theme of online conduct, visibility and transparency, and in the end accountability.

Inconsequential bullying in the school yard can become a much more amplified and targeted activity online. Accountability does not solely mean that blame can be put on individuals, danah boyd master thesis, it also means that we danah boyd master thesis hold digital medias accountable. The media was accused of vilifying and criminalizing teens by using the most incriminating pictures they could find.

Instead of picking portraits or pictures where the victim seems happy and likable, they chose to use pictures that portrayed the victim in a negative light. The people using the IwasShoot uploaded two pictures of themselves, one normal where they where in a normal situation, and the other where they posed angrily, or wore clothing that made them look more or less like a criminal.

The media at that time was held accountable for their choise of the pictures they used, and that they should change their habit of using the most incriminating pictures they could find. This also reflects back to the previously mentioned fear mongering. Further Krista and Danah talk about participatory culture, danah boyd master thesis, and how there is an identity shift going on in convergence with technology.

In the early days of the internet, most people danah boyd master thesis pseudonyms when creating profiles and accounts on forums and other communication platforms.

And in so doing, creating an online and offline identity. The notion of a digital identity today is closely linked to your offline identity, in the way that they intersect on so many levels.

One issue they talk about concerning this, is the possibility of negative consequences or ramifications later in life, due to your activities online. Now that we have social media, where you basically present yourself with full name and identity, its is easy to dig up information about you.

Say a future employer looks you up on social media, what will they find, and can it be used against you in a negative way. Can they choose not to hire you because several year ago, you made racist or sexist comments?

Something people seem to forget once they get behind the screen and start typing. Even if something does not have an immediate effect, it is fully plausible that it can later down the line. I fully advocate the need for reflection and critical thinking, especially before posting something that can be linked to you online. Danah also mentions that she sees the need for critical thinking, danah boyd master thesis, and I wholeheartedly agree with this sentiment. In the final part of the interview, Krista and Danah talk about how they see the internet as in its infancy, and that from a cultural and technological stand, we are in danah boyd master thesis very beginning of the online life.

It is also why its our job and duty to shape it. We need to be an active part in how we want our life online to evolve and grow, and how we would like society as a whole to be a part of danah boyd master thesis. Danah mentions that there are more people chosing to live alone then at any other point in history, and that it is a result of the constant social interactions that go on in everyday life.

The need to be alone for a time is making people chose to live alone, so that they can have a personal space, danah boyd master thesis, that is theirs and theirs alone. I think its funny to think about this in context. That our creation of tools to help you be social and connected, is also creating a need to be alone. The more social and connected our society is becoming, danah boyd master thesis, the more the need to disconnect from it all appears.

I think its ironic that the more connected we try to become, the more the need for anti-social spaces arise. Those were my thoughts and reactions to the podcast, now over to the second part of this blog.

My masters thesis. I have finally decided what I want to write my thesis on and around! Go me!. The topic I have chosen is The silent majority. A short explanation of what the silent majority is, would be to say that it is everyone that use the internet to some extent, but chose not danah boyd master thesis participate on any meaningful level. Contributing to the greater good in one way or another.

That would mean that the silent majority consists of close to 3 billion users. Now when I say silent, I do NOT mean that they never participate. You can be on Facebook, have a twitter and instagram account, and be a member on several forums, and STILL be a part of the silent majority. I will use myself as an example here, because until recently I have considered myself as a part of the silent majority. I have a Facebook, I have a twitter account, and recently made a instagram account, do I use these actively?

Yes I do, do I post anything contributing to the digital society in any way? Until last month, danah boyd master thesis, no, not all, as in I have not contributed to anything. Daily updates of your Facebook status, or a daily tweet about your coffee, danah boyd master thesis, or a instagram picture danah boyd master thesis said coffee does NOT count as contributing.

Yes you are posting something, but you are still a part of the silent masses. I am a Imgur and Reddit user aswell, I subscribe to a dozen or so sub-reddits, and I browse imgur several times a day. I have a total of 5 posts and 57 comments made on imgur over the span of almost 3 years. To be a part of the vocal minority, you need to actively contribute. You need to use social media danah boyd master thesis platform for more than just connecting with friends.

Using Twitter as a platform to share political or similar agendas. Using the functionality to reach a broader target group then just your friends. Partaking in online events that is a part of something bigger, examples like ferguson IfIwasShoot comes to mind. Using instagram as a platform for selling your life, as in photographers trying to become known, same for artists, or to use it as a tool for promoting your blog and such. The vocal minority are those who are danah boyd master thesis most active in participatory culture, those that helped shape web sites like Reddit and Wikipedia or people who danah boyd master thesis questionnaires on Amazon Turk.

The greater good here, being the online community we all use and enjoy, danah boyd master thesis. Now, do NOT mistake the silent majority as a group that does leave anything behind, or that danah boyd master thesis do not partake in the global online domain.

They are the absolute biggest contributor to making things to viral, danah boyd master thesis are the biggest contributor to data miners and they are the biggest contributor to information about digital medias. Videos that have gone viral and that are being shared beyond belief are the exception to the rule here, every once in a while, you can or will participate in one way or another.

This would be the equivalent to someone speaking up in class, even though they usually never talk. Even if you hide behind a VPN and use every imaginable tool to hide your presence online, you leave behind information. Though it can danah boyd master thesis be traced back to you, information about the web sites you visit is available. How long much time spent there, what links did you click, how many articles did you read, how many videos did you stream, what content you streamed, pictures opened….

The list is endless, danah boyd master thesis. You do not need to participate to leave behind information that can be used by someone, danah boyd master thesis.

Everyone does this, danah boyd master thesis, the second they go online. My focus in writing about the silent majority, will be to look at how we can turn them from silent to vocal, how we can turn your average user of the internet into a player in participatory culture. I would love to find ways to increase participation on all levels, and to debate whether of not this is a good thing.

This is where biases comes into view. Cultural, environmental, racial etc, how would the internet change if we managed to increase participation on a global scale tenfold? I like to compare the internet to the sea, where the silent majority are the fish, the vocal minority are the sharks, the instances of things going viral are the whales and those who gather up all our information are the fishing boats.

I think this comparison works well in how it categorizes us.

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