Leadership Challenges in Diversity Essay. Words5 Pages. Leadership Challenges in Diversity The article, “Challenges of Leading a Diverse Workforce,” by Janice R.W. Joplin and Catherine Daus, discusses research that suggests six challenging factors when promoting diversity in an organization, along with proposed solutions to those challenges. The six challenges include, the Change of Power Diversity leadership matters for group performance and morale. The quality of diversity leadership varies substantially across unit lead-ers. Leaders receive no specific training, so high-quality File Size: KB Nov 27, · Leadership Effectiveness and Diversity To launch the discussions, study this week’s required readings and reflect on your own assumptions about leadership. Take time to critically think about how leaders can “improve their organization’s capacity to embrace diversity” (Western, , p.
Leadership Challenges in Diversity Essay - Words | Bartleby
Hightowers Petroleum Company a middle sized company is initiating a project with the objective of unifying the different personalities that make up the company's workforce. This objective stands as diversity leadership essay broad objective in trying to bridge the cultural differences among the organization's workforce. In the organization differences of the employee's background have brought about different cultures that seem to result in conflict upon attempts in moderating the workforce to observe common values, diversity leadership essay, practices and perspectives on the organization's pertinent issues.
In organization's where there are no commonly held perspectives, values or normsthere is a likelihood of disintegration of objectives owing to lack of a common culture Hofstede, In an instance where the organization's workforce cannot share a common way of doing things, then it is not possible to articulate the process in archiving success Kelly, ; Rosen, diversity leadership essay, It is the project's intentions to assess how the different attributes of the diverse workforce impacts on the beliefs held by others in the organization.
These diversities will be evaluated for their potentials in impacting on a possible unified organization culture and creating a collectivism attitude in the workplace. It is not the projects intention to eradicate individualism rather, foster an understanding of the individual differences and build a diversity leadership essay culture that incorporates a wide range of cohesive diversities.
The diversities incorporated in the collective culture will facilitate a dynamic culture in the organization that is diversity leadership essay of responding to dynamics in the industry and the market, diversity leadership essay.
The resultant collective culture will also foster a comprehensive understanding of the customers and their cultural, morals and values Burman R. This aspect once attained will; guarantee the organization's capability in attending to upcoming challenges in markets dynamics and foreign diversity leadership essay opportunities.
The business founding proprietor, Stephen Hightower had moved from the s cotton fields to set up the business in Middletown Ohio. The fact that the founding proprietor was new in the town the new business was set up presents difference between the cultures of the host town and those of the proprietor, diversity leadership essay.
Right from the onset the business employed persons diversity leadership essay different background to serve as their workforce. The company did not have a liberty to employ labor force from their related background since Ohio was an upcoming state and most of the inhabitants came from different regions. Once the company started its operations its target was to meet the need for fuel one customer at a time. This objective placed the organization in a position to target customer needs for fuel and attend to their needs with dedication.
With time the organization continued to experience growth and embrace different clients diversity leadership essay different backgrounds. Although the company has grown considerably to date, it still upholds the value of meeting the client's needs on an individual basis, diversity leadership essay.
Diversity leadership essay makes the organization prone to being dynamic and exposed to the different cultures depending on their clienteles, diversity leadership essay. As the company embraces growth, its workforce has grown in size and diversity with there being an inclusion of a majority of the races in the region. The expansion the company has taken in opening branches around the globe has also considerably added to the diversities and differences inherently present among its workforce.
The company has also grown in terms of its customer basis experiencing different cultures from the relations they hold with their customer base. The diverse workforce embraced by the organization may seem to have come by default.
This is partially the diversity leadership essay since it is not possible to engage in business operations in foreign regions without involving the locals. On the other hand, it served as a strategy to incorporate a region's culture and values in the organization's activities diversity leadership essay articulations of customer satisfaction measures and smooth relation in the market.
The company's recruitment policy has seen to it that leaders in new branches are locals in the region and the workforce This aspect works to guarantee that on top of the guidance provided from the head office, diversity leadership essay, the branch leaders have a positive input to the operation in relation to the dynamics in the region, diversity leadership essay.
Again the leaders appointed in the branches are seen to have an inclusive approach in decision making. The strong sense in leadership has contributed to the strength business operations.
Additional to leadership, the company has strengths in customer service facilitated by the employees ' ability to relate to the customers. The Strong brand presence and a wide range of products in the market has also resulted owing to the relations between the company, it employees and consumers. Diversity in line with market dynamics is perpetuated by the integration of different culture that diversity leadership essay deeper understanding of the market dynamics.
As a result of the above the company has earned high sales and, accumulated potentials in infrastructural growth. The company also has a reliable leadership in the board of directors who allow and foster diversity in the composition of the workforce and, a diverse composition of customer that presents desirable sustainability in the market.
Despite the strengths the company has, it has weaknesses including low margins in revenues, poor planning in strategy and poor measures of performance.
Additionally the company's management team has no plans for developments. This means that an ad hoc measure in relation to the expansion of business is used since no guidelines are in place for such development. The company is also seen to concentrate more on the high revenue customers putting them at risk of collapsing should any of the customers walk out.
The company can also be in a position to capitalize more on their revenues since oil products comprise of the world's highest expenditure items. It is also possible for the company to fragment their customers into cluster owing their diversity, diversity leadership essay. Diversity leadership essay fragmentation will allow the company to band the customers in accordance with their special needs and attend to those needs with greater efficiency at a minimal cost Gurau, The changes in the energy policies promoting consumption diversity leadership essay oil products present an opportunity for the company to expand their revenue base.
The company has an opportunity given advances in more energy products to venture in another source of energy in line with the market trends and customer preferences for an alternative.
Owing to the company's concentration on limited volumes of the products to comprise the larger share of their supply, it is at a risk of losing out on their revenues by a big margin with the changes occurring in the industry. Competitors in the same industry are seen to diversify their supply to distribute their range of product supplied in an effort to spread their risks. Given that the company capitalizes on their top customer as their main revenue earners, a threat looms in the form of possible losses in the event their high end customers fall into a credit crunch.
The company also risks tying up most of its trading capital on a few numbers of clients. The company's strong and diverse leadership presents the company with the ability to embrace diversity and higher understanding of the market and consumer dynamics. The external environment comprising of the industry competitors, diversity leadership essay, consumers, and regulators can be put into the ideal context given the diversities in understanding from different leaders and employees.
The understanding of the market, industry and consumer diversity will leverage the organization in coming up with strategy to counter potential competitors, meet articulately consumer needs and relate to the market in a culture that properly fits.
Given the opportunities the company has in venturing in alternative energy initiatives,…. References Burman R. Organizational Culture and Climate Handbook of Psychology. New York:: Wiley and Sons. Gajda, diversity leadership essay, R.
Evaluating the imperative of intra-organizational collaboration: A school improvement perspective. American Journal of Evaluation, 28 1 Gurau, C. Integrated online marketing communication: implementation and management. Journal of Communication Management, 12 2 Hartnell, C. Organizational Culture and Diversity leadership essay Effectiveness: A Meta-Analytic Investigation of the Diversity leadership essay Values Framework CVF Theoretical Suppositions.
Journal of Applied Psychology, 1 1diversity leadership essay, Leadership and Conflicts LADERSHIP AND CONFLICTS Teamwork has increasingly become diversity leadership essay common aspect within the organizational setup. Organizations in varied sectors and industries are ever more reliant on teamwork in the achievement of their goals and objectives.
Indeed, if not properly handled, conflict within a team. A leadership development plan depends upon knowing who one is as a person and building diversity leadership essay the strengths, innate talents and gifts, and ideals that one possesses. It also depends upon educating oneself as to the leadership styles, behaviors, ethics, and responsibilities. This leadership development plan will discuss my aims, intentions and steps that I will take to become the type of leader I want to be, diversity leadership essay.
Leadership Behavior There are many. Topic: How diversity leadership essay personalities work together to achieve organizational goals. Article: Bakker, diversity leadership essay, A. Towards a multilevel approach of employee well-being. European Journal of Work and Organizational Psychology 24 6 : Bakker builds on prior literature in the areas of personality diversity and organizational objectives.
This article first. Diversity is a part of the human experience in the global environment that persists virtually in every setting around the world. Diversity is not just a matter of culture, however; it is also a matter of generation. Changing Diversity and the Workplace Introduction Changing diversity is a major trend affecting the U. workforce and the demographics of virtually every organization, diversity leadership essay.
Demographics are destiny, as the common saying diversity leadership essay Wolfe,and in the U. the future is being determined right now: families are shrinking, the population is graying, and the U. This diversity includes increases in women in the workplace, diversity leadership essay. Introduction The Mechanical Engineers Organization at University of Tulsa has a number diversity leadership essay needs that it seeks to address in the coming years in order to grow and develop to its fullest potential.
The Organization is composed of national and international students from the University and is led by professors at the Diversity leadership essay. It seeks to increase its membership and initiate several projects to help provide its members with appropriate. Learning Tools Study Documents Writing Guides About us FAQs Our Blog Citation Generator Flash Card Generator Login SignUp.
Download this Essay in word format. Excerpt from Essay : Hightowers Petroleum Company a middle sized company is initiating a project with the objective of unifying the different personalities that make up the company's workforce. Read Full Essay, diversity leadership essay.
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The company's strong and diverse leadership presents the company with the ability to embrace diversity and higher understanding of the market and consumer dynamics. The external environment comprising of the industry competitors, consumers, and regulators can be put into the ideal context given the diversities in understanding from different leaders and employees Jun 21, · People have different traits and characteristics that differentiate them from others. According to Richard Daft, the differences among people in terms of age, ethnicity, age, gender, or other dimensions is known as diversity (Daft, ). Daft explains the concept of leadership diversity in the Chapter 11 of his book “The Leadership Experience”. Daft estates that today leaders have to Diversity leadership matters for group performance and morale. The quality of diversity leadership varies substantially across unit lead-ers. Leaders receive no specific training, so high-quality File Size: KB
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