Janie, the protagonist of Zora Neale Hurston’s novel Their Eyes Were Watching God, is often identified as a feminist character. While she is certainly an independent woman who believes in the equality of the sexes, Janie does not lead a typically feminist existence throughout the novel. Largely because of her relationships with the three key men in her life, Janie is often beaten down, silenced, ignored, Words | 3 Pages. Their Eyes Were Watching God Character Analysis In Their Eyes Were Watching God by Zora Neal Hurston Janie finds herself in two marriages; One that was chosen for her and one that she chose herself. Both of husbands contrast the other. Although neither of her marriages were very successful Their Eyes Were Watching God Essay - EssayWriterUSA℠. Their Eyes Were Watching God (), is the most recognized work of Zora Neale Hurston (January – January ), writer, anthropologist and Afro-American folklorist of the Harlem Renaissance. The novel was written in Haiti, during a study of folklore for an anthropological investigation
Rhetorical Analysis Essay for Their Eyes Were Watching God | blogger.com
Throughout the book, the reader follows Janie Woods as she travels from one man to the next and from one town to the next in search of happiness, freedom, and love. Janie abandons her first husband and the oppressive, conventional life that she lives with him in order to pursue a more stimulating, adventurous, and exciting one with Jody Sparks. When he dies, however, both Janie and the reader become acquainted with Tea Cake, a relatively poor yet nonetheless charming man who professes his love to Janie and asks her to run away with him to the Everglades, their eyes were watching god analysis essay.
Janie does, and it becomes clear that Tea Cake and Janie are the perfect fit. With Tea Cake, Janie is happier than she has ever been, and it seems that she will finally achieve her dreams. When Tea Cake becomes infected with rabies and shoots at Janie with a gun, however, their eyes were watching god analysis essay, Janie is forced to kill him in a devastating twist of plot.
Afterwards, Janie is thrown into jail and then tried by jury in order to decide if their eyes were watching god analysis essay will be convicted of murdering Tea Cake. If she is convicted, her life and her quest for happiness and the pursuit of her dreams will be destroyed. If she is allowed their eyes were watching god analysis essay go free, she can continue her life and her quest for happiness. This simile produces the feeling that these people are strong, standing strong and straight and tall.
The first time, there is no idea attached to the phrase other than the idea that Janie is alone, that this solid, tightly-packed celery-wall of her people has disowned her, is standing against her. Not only are they large in number and stern and disapproving of Janie, but, moreover, they feel violent towards her. The image of a cocked and loaded gun just waiting for the trigger to be pulled and the explosion to occur creates a very extreme mood — one of immense tension, pressure, and apprehension.
All of the people, however, are cold and silent. It is thus that Hurston masterfully uses figurative language in the first paragraph in order to create a their eyes were watching god analysis essay of tension. In the next paragraph, however, the tension is released. These musical references bring the description of the black people in the back of the courthouse to a crescendo; they give the storm a musical quality so that all of the crashing and the thrashing that they are doing has rhythm, has a routine.
The townspeople are all rustling together, rustling regularly, rustling in tune with one another, and the description therefore continues to establish a mood in the courthouse that is foreboding and restless, heightening the amount of tension and suspense that the reader is experiencing. In the sentences that follow her description of the tense, charged courthouse atmosphere, Hurston next proceeds to take this restlessness, the sense of movement and energy that she has created with the storm simile, and applies it towards the actual events of the trial.
Having set the scene, she can now tell about what. Home Page Art Books Novel Their Eyes Were Watching God Rhetorical Analysis Essay for Their Eyes Were Watching God. Available Only on StudyHippo. Their Eyes Were Watching God. Pages: 4 words Published: January 20, View Entire Sample Download Sample.
Text preview. Afterwards, Janie is thrown into jail and then tried by jury in order to decide if she will be convicted of murdering Tea Cake View entire sample Join StudyHippo to see entire essay. Related assignments. Popular topics. Get ideas now.
Their Eyes Were Watching God by Zora Neale Hurston - Themes
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Apr 20, · In Their Eyes Were Watching God, it was used to hide someone’s beauty and identity. Throughout the book, Janie’s hair changes from being let down to tied up due to the forceful request upon her husband at the time, Jody. As Zora Neale Hurston writes in Their Eyes Were Watching God, Janie’s hair symbolizes her independence throughout the different times during her lifetime and the /5(9) Jan 20, · Published: January 20, View Entire Sample Download Sample. Text preview. Zora Neale Hurston’s Their Eyes Were Watching God is the story of one black woman’s attempt to realize her dreams and to achieve happiness in her life. Throughout the book, the reader follows Janie Woods as she travels from one man to the next and from one town to the next in search of happiness, Estimated Reading Time: 9 mins Their Eyes Were Watching God Essay - EssayWriterUSA℠. Their Eyes Were Watching God (), is the most recognized work of Zora Neale Hurston (January – January ), writer, anthropologist and Afro-American folklorist of the Harlem Renaissance. The novel was written in Haiti, during a study of folklore for an anthropological investigation
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