dissertation was designed to gauge perceptions of self-efficacy among K-5 general education teachers in regards to teaching students with autism in inclusion settings. The researcher conducted digital surveys and personal interviews among K-5 regular education teachers who had inclusion experience with students with autism. Teacher dissertation was designed to gauge perceptions of self-efficacy among K-5 general education teachers in regards to teaching students with autism in inclusion settings. The researcher conducted digital surveys and personal interviews among K-5 regular education teachers who had inclusion experience with students with autism. Teacher Exploring Teachers’ Relational Self-Efficacy and Teacher-Student Relationships. A Dissertation. presented by. Carly Dolan Robinson. to. The Committee on Higher Degrees in Education. in partial fulfillment of the. requirements for the degree of. Doctor of Philosophy in. the subject of. Education. Harvard. University. Cambridge
Special Education Teacher Experiences and Efficacy During a Pandemic (COVID)
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Need an account? Click here to sign up. Download Free PDF. A Study of Teachers' Self-Efficacy Beliefs, Motivation to Teach, and Curriculum Fidelity: A Path Analysis Model. Alper Aytaç. Download Download PDF Full PDF Package Download Full PDF Package This Paper. A short summary of this paper. Download Download PDF. Download Full PDF Package, dissertation on teacher efficacy. Translate PDF, dissertation on teacher efficacy. International Journal of Contemporary Educational Research, 8 4 Any substantial or systematic reproduction, redistribution, reselling, loan, sub-licensing, systematic supply, or distribution in any form to anyone is expressly forbidden.
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A correlational survey model was used while designing the study. The study sample consisted of teachers working in a province of Turkey during the spring semester of the academic year. Prior to data analysis, the data set was tested for both univariate and multivariate normality; descriptive statistics, Pearson correlation, and path analysis were also used to test the data.
The results of the study show that the teachers have strong self-efficacy beliefs. While they have high intrinsic motivation, their extrinsic motivation is moderate. Keywords: Self-Efficacy Beliefs, Motivation to Teach, Curriculum Fidelity. In this context, it can be argued that teachers' self-efficacy beliefs can influence the teaching and learning process Gibson and Dembo, ; Woolfolk and Hoy, Accordingly, teachers' self-efficacy beliefs have a positive influence on the academic achievement of the students they supervise Khurram and Sajida, Moreover, teachers with strong self-efficacy beliefs tend to create a learning environment that enables students to learn more effectively Fritz et al.
Thus, it can be stated that a person's self-efficacy beliefs can noticeably influence their motivational processes Bandura, ; Bektaş and Karagöz, ; Pajares, ; Stajkovic and Luthans, ; Yazıcı, dissertation on teacher efficacy, On the other hand, motivation is the willingness to exert high levels of effort toward a particular goal Robbins and Judge, In addition, it refers to a driving force behind human actions Hersey and Blanchard, Motivation can be divided dissertation on teacher efficacy two categories: intrinsic motivation and extrinsic motivation.
Extrinsic motivation refers to human behaviors that arise from and are the byproducts of external sources and factors Deci at al. When regarded as a conceptual whole, both intrinsic and extrinsic motivation play an important role dissertation on teacher efficacy determining the behavior of different individuals. The concept of curriculum fidelity refers to how closely programs apply relevant curriculum content as it is originally designed Dusenbury et al.
In other words, it indicates the degree to which the designed curriculum conforms with the one that is delivered Furtak et al. Curricula are specifically-designed road maps that guide teachers through the teaching and learning process and determine the proper way and time to perform activities Ertürk, ; Oliva, The delivery of originally-designed curriculum plays a key role in enabling students to learn efficiently Fullan and Pomfret, Teachers are the implementers of planned activities during the teaching and learning process Demirel, ; Özden,they have significant responsibilities and duties when delivering curricula.
An examination of the relevant theoretical framework reveals that teachers' self-efficacy beliefs, motivation to teach, and curriculum fidelity play a crucial role and have a direct impact on the teaching and learning process. Moreover, there are a large number of studies in the relevant academic literature Bal-Taştan et al. In studies carried out by Bay et al. Curriculum development is a dynamic process that is in a constant state of flux. It is an undeniable dissertation on teacher efficacy that this dynamic process is important to achieve the desired efficiency of the curriculum Demirel, One of the important factors in achieving the goals of the curriculum is the curriculum fidelity Dane and Schneider, In other words, curriculum fidelity has a decisive effect in revealing the quality of a curriculum.
Studies in the literature also support this effect Baş and Şentürk, ; Gelmez-Burakgazi, ; Iskandar, ; Russel, The education stakeholders responsible for implementing the curriculum are the teachers Hord and Huling- Austin, In this respect, dissertation on teacher efficacy, examining teachers' curriculum fidelity can give clues about the quality of the curriculum.
Also, no studies that examine all three of these variables together have been encountered in the dissertation on teacher efficacy body of relevant literature; for this reason, we believe that this study will provide researchers with a different perspective on this issue and fill a knowledge gap in the field. Moreover, the results of the interpretation of the predictive relationships among the variables can serve as a guide for teachers as designated implementersschool administrators, and agencies responsible for in-service teacher training.
Thus, dissertation on teacher efficacy, the main purpose of this study is to test the relationships among teachers' self-efficacy beliefs, dissertation on teacher efficacy, their motivation to teach, and their curriculum fidelity using a path analysis model. The hypotheses to be tested using the path analysis model can be found below. On the other hand, motivation can be seen as a separate factor that enables the teaching and learning process to function properly Viau, Studies conducted by Harun et al.
Furthermore, various studies Rohrbach, Graham, and Hansen, ; Thierry, Vincent, and Norris, provide ample evidence of the correlation between self-efficacy beliefs and curriculum fidelity. Motivation to teach can be divided into two categories: dissertation on teacher efficacy motivation and extrinsic motivation Güzel- Candan and Evin-Gencel, Additionally, the sources of motivation for both intrinsic and extrinsic motivation are interrelated Gök and Atalay-Kabasakal, Furthermore, Baltaş stated that sources of extrinsic motivation may affect sources of intrinsic motivation while engaging in a particular activity.
Likewise, Aslan and Doğan also noted that extrinsic motivation may influence intrinsic motivation, dissertation on teacher efficacy. Method Model The correlational survey model, a type of survey model, is used to determine both the degree and direction of the relationship between two or more variables Karasar, Population and Sample The study population consisted of teachers working in one province of Turkey during the spring semester of dissertation on teacher efficacy - academic year.
Due to the Covid 19 epidemic, the criterion of easy accessibility was used to select the sample and, accordingly, teachers working in a specific city were identified as the target population.
In this context, convenience sampling was preferred in the selection of the sample. The sample used for this study comprised teachers. The data of the sample can be found in Table 1. As indicated in Table 1, The scale, which consisted of ten items, was first translated into Turkish and then used to measure the beliefs of 87 teachers from different subject areas. Principal component analysis PCA was used to ensure that the scale has construct validity.
After subjecting dissertation on teacher efficacy data set to Varimax rotation, a scale with a single dimension and eight items was created. The scale is in 4-point Likert type. As a result of the reliability analysis applied within the scope of the present study, the Cronbach alpha value was calculated as.
There is no confirmatory factor analysis during the scale development stages. In this respect, confirmatory factor analysis was applied within the scope of the present study. One modification was carried out during the analysis phase, dissertation on teacher efficacy. The scale, which consists of two dimensions and twelve items, was translated into Turkish and then used to analyze prospective teachers' motivation levels in a university's teacher education program.
Confirmatory factor analysis was used to ensure that the scale has construct validity. After conducting various analyses, it was found that the scale had two dimensions and twelve items just as the original scale; the dimensions were referred to as intrinsic motivation IM and extrinsic motivation EM.
The scale is 6-point Likert type. As a result of the reliability analysis applied within the scope of the present study, Cronbach's alpha values were calculated as.
Curriculum Fidelity Scale: The Curriculum Fidelity Scale CFS was developed by Yaşaroğlu and Manav After conducting a comprehensive literature review, a draft scale with thirty-four items used to assess the responses of teachers. After the exploratory factor analysis was completed, a scale with a single dimension and twenty items was created. Sixteen of the items in the scale were coded as positive and four as negative. The Cronbach's alpha of the scale was calculated to be 0.
The scale is a 5-point Likert scale. As a result of the reliability analysis conducted in the present study, the Cronbach's alpha value was calculated to be. Data Collection and Analysis During Junedata was collected digitally through electronic mediums due to dissertation on teacher efficacy COVID pandemic.
The data set was checked for extreme values, and two pieces of data were subsequently removed. The data set was then tested for both univariate and multivariate normality.
Therefore, the data was deemed to be normally distributed. Also, data was analyzed using AMOS statistical software to test multivariate normality. Data from this analysis can be found in Table 2. Assesment of multivariate normality skewness c. kurtosis c. Self-Efficacy Beliefs SEB. Kline noted that the measure of kurtosis critical value derived from multivariate distribution should be dissertation on teacher efficacy more than 10; the measure of kurtosis critical value for our data set was 0.
Importance of Self-Efficacy
, time: 4:02variablesteacher job satisfaction, self-efficacy, and collective efficacy--with a single dependent variable, teacher intent-to-leave. The Job Satisfaction Survey, Teachers’ Sense of Efficacy Scale, Collective Efficacy Scale, and Intent-to-Leave Questionnaire were used to collect quantitative data in this correlational predictive study student academic achievement. Literature also suggests that teacher efficacy, as well as teacher effectiveness, can be improved. This research investigated the correlational relationship between professional learning communities (PLCs) as a structure for job-embedded professional development and participating teachers‘ self-efficacy. The specific Educational Policy Studies Dissertations Department of Educational Policy Studies The Principal's Influence on Teacher Efficacy to Foster Student teacher efficacy and the role school leadership plays in supporting efficacy as it subsequently impacts student engagement. Disengagement in school can be changed, thus researching experi-
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