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With an early essays on hiv and proper treatment, the life expectancy of a person with HIV is near that of someone without the virus. Getting prompt treatment for HIV results in a substantial improvement in prognosis. Since the yearthe number of deaths from HIV has been steadily declining. Left untreated, HIV will progress to acquired immunodeficiency syndrome AIDS in most people. While death rates from AIDS have declined globally, the condition increases susceptibility to opportunistic infections—which can lead to death.
And there is no cure for HIV, even with treatment. It is a chronic condition that requires lifelong disease management. When HIV is left untreated, the virus can progress to the advanced stage of HIV infection known as AIDS. Most people in the United States who are being treated for HIV will not progress to AIDS. If you are being treated for HIV with antiretroviral therapyessays on hiv, you can expect to live nearly as long as someone without HIV. Starting and remaining on antiretroviral medications has been shown to decrease mortality and improve quality of life.
Maintaining quality healthcare is key to living a long, healthy life with HIV. If you have been diagnosed with HIV, but are not taking adequate treatment for the disease, it is recommended you seek medical care. Having a low viral load is the best thing you can do to stay healthy and prevent transmitting the virus to others. Inaroundessays on hiv, people died from AIDS-related illnesses worldwide, compared to 1.
Across the world AIDS deaths have declined with the introduction of combination antiretroviral therapy ART. Countries in sub-Saharan Africa, essays on hiv, which are at the center of the epidemic, have mortality rates essays on hiv to patients receiving ART in North America However, barriers to treatment still exist for people in many areas of the world. Life expectancy for patients who are not receiving treatment drops significantly. Delaying or refusing treatment will allow HIV to continue to damage essays on hiv immune system and put you at risk for an opportunistic infection that could be deadly.
Antiretroviral medications, or ARTs, work by suppressing the HIV virus to stop disease progression. They are recommended for all people with HIV. Treatment should start as soon as possible. While ARTs do not cure HIV, they help patients live longer and healthier lives. It leads to death by weakening your immune system and putting you at risk of other conditions.
These include opportunistic infections that can occur when the disease has progressed to AIDS. Common conditions that develop due to the immune dysfunction of AIDS include pneumonia, tuberculosis, and certain cancers essays on hiv, such as Kaposi sarcoma or Burkitt lymphoma.
An HIV treatment plan coordinated with your healthcare provider is critical to survival. People who have HIV are more prone to opportunistic infections when:. The HIV timeline has three stages of progression. When people with HIV do not receive treatment, they will typically progress through all of these phases. With treatment, progression to stage three is far less likely.
In the acute stage of HIV infection, you may have flu-like symptoms or experience no symptoms at all. During this stage, there is a large amount of HIV in the blood and you are very contagious. During the chronic HIV stage, HIV is active, but you may have no symptoms. You can still pass the virus on to others. If you take HIV medication, you may remain in this stage indefinitely and never progress to the next phase, essays on hiv.
However, if you are not treated, this stage may last a decade or longer but could progress faster. Stage 3 AIDS is the most severe stage of HIV. In this stage, your immune system is quite damaged and you are more prone to severe illnesses and recurring opportunistic infections.
Without treatment, the typical survival rate is three years. With treatment, many patients can resume healthy lives. Get information on prevention, symptoms, and treatment to better ensure a long and healthy life.
Katz I, essays on hiv, Maughan-Brown B. Improved life expectancy of people living with HIV: who is left behind? The Lancet HIV. Essays on hiv Health Organization. Global number of HIV deaths. Department of Health and Human Services HIV. What are HIV and Essays on hiv Updated June 5, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.
Newly diagnosed with HIV. Updated October 21, HIV treatment overview. Updated March 29, HIV treatment for adults. Published National Institutes of Health HIVInfo. What is an opportunistic infection? Updated November 3, Is There a Difference Between HIV and AIDS? HIV vs. What are Antiretroviral Medications? AIDS-Defining Illnesses and Conditions. Signs and Symptoms of Acute HIV Infection. Was this page helpful? Thanks for your feedback!
Sign Up. What are your concerns? Verywell Health uses only high-quality sources, including peer-reviewed studies, essays on hiv, to support the facts within our articles. Read our editorial process to learn more about how we fact-check and keep our content accurate, reliable, and trustworthy, essays on hiv.
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